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I applied _________four universities and was accepted by all of them.





更多“I applied _________four universities and was accepted by all of them.”相关的问题


Two blocks, joined by a string, have masses of 6.0 and 9.0 kg. They rest on a frictionless
horizontal surface. A 2nd string, attached only to the 9-kg block, has horizontal force = 30 N applied to it. Both blocks accelerate. Find the tension in the string between the blocks.

A、12 N

B、22 N

C、18 N

D、15 N

E、11 N

F、25 N

G、9.8 N

H、4.9 N

I、None of these.



听力原文:F: Good morning, Mr. Zhang. I am glad that you have accepted my interview.M: Good

听力原文:F: Good morning, Mr. Zhang. I am glad that you have accepted my interview.

M: Good morning, Miss Lee. It' s my pleasure if I can be of any help.

F: Mr. Zhang, we all know that China and the United States signed an historic agreement in November 1999, which will pave the way for China to enter the World Trade Organization, 13years after it applied to join. As an official of Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation, what do you think of the significance of this event?

M: I would say it is the most important economic event since December 1979, when China switched from state planning and isolation to reform. and the open-door policy. It opened the way for China to join the world' s principal trading body, since we all know that the US was the toughest party to deal with among all negotiations with other WTO members.

F: The chief US negotiator described the deal as "profoundly important" and all round excellent one for American business. Do you think it may create a double-winning situation?

M: Yes, of course.

How long was it from the time when China applied to join GATT till the deal between the US and China was signed?

A.10 years.

B.13 years.

C.17 years.

D.20 years.



听力原文:F: Good morning, Mr. Zhang. I am glad that you have accepted my interview.

M: Good morning, Miss Lee. It' s my pleasure if I can be of any help.

F: Mr. Zhang, we all know that China and the United States signed an historic agreement in November 1999, which will pave the way for China to enter the World Trade Organization, 13years after it applied to join. As an official of Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation, what do you think of the significance of this event?

M: I would say it is the most important economic event since December 1979, when China switched from state planning and isolation to reform. and the open-door policy. It opened the way for China to join the world' s principal trading body, since we all know that the US was the toughest party to deal with among all negotiations with other WTO members.

F: The chief US negotiator described the deal as "profoundly important" and all round excellent one for American business. Do you think it may create a double-winning situation?

M: Yes, of course.

How long was it from the time when China applied to join GATT till the deal between the US and China was signed?

A.10 years.

B.13 years.

C.17 years.

D.20 years.



听力原文:M: Business faculty office.

F: Hello, my name's Sylvia Carlyle. I've had a letter accepting me on a course, and asking me to phone about the optional modules.

M: Let me find your details. OK, you're taking marketing fundamentals, aren't you?

F: Actually I applied for marketing originally, then changed to personnel practice, and that's in the acceptance letter,

M: The database hasn't been updated. No problem. Right, have you chosen your two modules?

F: I'm interested in health and safety.

M: You have to do that anyway, as part of the course.

F: Oh, then I'm confused about what's optional and what's compulsory. What about pay systems?

M: Yes, that's optional.

F: OK. I'll do that as my first module.

M: And for module B?

F: Is decision making possible?

M: Yes. Now what about your term paper?

F: I'm thinking of calling it 'Assumptions and behaviour within companies'.

M: We just need the general field at this stage. Shall I enter that as organisational culture?

F: Fine.

M: OK, Sylvia, we'll look forward to seeing you at the beginning of term. Goodbye.

F: Goodbye.

— Look at the form. below.

— You will hear a woman phoning a college about a course.

            Stangrave & Hoxton College

              Faculty of Business

Course details

Name: Sylvia Carlyle

Course accepted for: 【1】______

Module A: 【2】______

Module B: 【3】______

Subject area of term paper: 【4】______



Task 4

Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55.

A—courses taken B—current address

C—date of birth D—educational background

E—email address F—health conditions

G—hobbies and interests H—ID card No.

I—in-job training J—job objective

K—permanent address L—marital status

M—part-time jobs N—position applied for

O—rewards P—scholarships

Q—work experience

What should the employees do within 10 minutes after they arrive?Be in______and at their workplaces.



Task 4

Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55.

A—courses taken B—current address

C—date of birth D—educational background

E—email address F—health conditions

G—hobbies and interests H—ID card No.

I—in-job training J—job objective

K—permanent address L—marital status

M—part-time jobs N—position applied for

O—rewards P—scholarships

Q—work experience

What should the employees do within 10 minutes after they arrive?Be in______and at their workplaces.



听力原文:Man: There's nothing like getting on a motorbike, it's wonderful. All my life, I've never travelled any other way. I was eleven years of age when I first started on my brother's bike. I had my iicence in 1955 and when a company in Birmingham advertised for a test rider, I applied and got it. I had to ride all the bikes they made from 1957 through to 1978 which included hill climbs, reliability trials and speedway races. After the company closed down, I did trick riding with my brother. We called ourselves 'The Partners Dare', but by then, of course, it was only a hobby.

You will hear five different people speaking on the subject of motorbikes. For questions 19-23, choose the phrase (A-F) which best summarises what each speaker is talking about. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

 A the perfect passenger

 B a feeling of power

 C a lengthy career

 D the best way to learn

 E a family business

 F a break with routine

Speaker 1




Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:  Diane Larsen-Freeman is a well-known American professor of applied linguistics. This interview was conducted by the editor-in-chief of the Forum.

M: How did your career in language education begin?

F: Like many Americans getting started in EFL, my first opportunity was with the Peace Corps. I finished my university education, decided I wanted to be of service and to see a bit of the world, so I applied to the Peace Corps and was accepted to be an EFL teacher in Malaysia in Sabah, Borneo. I was there from 1967 until 1969. I had been a psychology major as an undergraduate primarily because I was interested, even then, in how people learn. When I found English language teaching and language in general, I became absolutely fascinated with the language learning process.

M: What advice can you give to teachers just beginning their careers in English teaching?

F: Because I'm so interested myself in learning, I would say the essence of good teaching is learning to watch your students, learning to read your students' interests, their attention, their engagement, knowing when to move on and when to stay. All of that comes from watching your students, monitoring what they are doing, trying as best you can to see the learning in their faces, in their behavior, and in their demeanor.

M: What do you most enjoy about teaching?

F: I have to repeat: watching learning take place. I suspect a lot of teachers can relate to this. There are those moments, and they don't happen every day, when you can see the penny drop. You've been working on teaching a particular tense or a reading passage, and all of a sudden, there is that moment of awareness. When you can actually see people go, "Ahh! I see!" Those are the moments I live for as a teacher. Those are the things that keep me going. It's the joy of watching others learn.

M: Along these lines of what goes on in the classroom and moments of awareness, what do you most often see teachers doing wrong in their language classes?

F: I hesitate to label anything "wrong" because I think it is really important to see from the teacher's perspective. Learning to teach is a lifelong process, and you can only do what you know how to do at that time. If you're in a particular stage of evolution, it's not "wrong," it just means that perhaps you yourself haven't cultivated the awareness or developed the skills that you need, but you are doing the best you can do.

M: In the past, I am thinking of audiolingualism, the focus really was on the teacher and almost a performance of drilling.

F: That's a very good metaphor for the teacher: the teacher as a performer, the teacher as drill conductor, but a teacher self-absorbed. I don't mean that in negative way. I just mean a teacher who is caught up in his or her own performance could be missing the very point of being in the classroom, which is to be watching students' learning and taking cues from the students as opposed to from the lesson plan.

M: Teacher as performer, teacher as orchestra conductor. There are other metaphors of the teacher we come across in the literature: teacher as coach, teacher as consultant. How do you respond to the skeptic who says, "What good are these metaphors of teaching? What I need is something to do in my class on Monday morning!"

F: It may surprise you, but I am rather sympathetic to such skepticism because I've been there. You have to do something! Having said that teachers shouldn't be caugh







I applied for the job that I saw advertised ______ the paper.






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